Anna Flyvestationen0448 copy




⭐️ Academic background in psychology from Copenhagen Business School.

⭐️ Educated in exercise physiology and exercise nutrition and certified in behavioral design, modern pain theory and stress coaching.

⭐️ Author of bestselling books “Skyhøj Forbrænding”, “Veldrejet”, “Smertefri” and “Express Opstrammer”.         

⭐️ In 2019 received the Talent 100 recognition from Berlingske Business, a Danish newspaper, for her innovative digital training courses.

⭐️ In 2020 became the Deputy Director of EuropeActive (a non-profit organization), where she set the standards for online training throughout the health and fitness sector in Europe. 

⭐️ In 2022 selected by the Danish Chamber of Commerce (Dansk Erhverv) as one of the 25 Danish female entrepreneurs you should know.


Expert on training and lifestyle in FIT Living (print magazine with 55.000 readers) and (website with 467.000 weekly readers)

Created the podcast “Styrkeløftet” about women and (muscle) power in partnership with (digital media of sound, words and images)

Frequently used expert source on training, lifestyle and body image in different print and online media.

THE story behind


Back in 2008 I planted the first little “kettlebell seed” which has now grown into an entire training and lifestyle universe, where more than 14.000 women have completed my online training programs. 

And I’m far from done. It’s just so essential that more women learn how to access all that raw power we already possess, but lack the tools to tap into.

Your muscles are by far your most important health insurance. They’re the key to a life with physical freedom, no limitations – even as you get older. Your muscle mass is also what keeps your hormones and nervous system in balance, prevents lifestyle diseases, and keeps your metabolism in top shape.

In short: strengthening your muscles will get you a well-shaped and well-functioning body.   

14.000+ women have completed Anna’s DIGITAL award
winning STRENGTH programs


“I bet you’re one of those people who just love to work out ALL the time”.
I’ve lost track of how many times I hear this.

But here’s a secret for you:
Exercise was completely unknown territory for me my entire childhood. I did absolutely ZERO sports or physical activity until I turned 18 - I even skipped every single gym class!

My route into fitness only happened when I saw a picture of my 18-year-old ‘had-way-too-many-sweets-in-all-the-classes’ butt from behind, which instantly made me want to do thousands of butt exercises I had seen in a magazine!
After a short period of step classes, stairmasters and so on - which I wasn’t any good at and didn’t get any results from - I came across a Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine and discovered weight training. 

It was like an epiphany: this was actually something I was really good at! And it wasn’t exhausting, it didn’t feel like running in a hamster wheel, and instantly gave me the feeling of being invincible. 

I’ll go as far as to say that strength training changed my life. 

Everything became easier. I had more energy. And fewer mood swings. I wanted to be more active every day.

But everything wasn’t perfect. For a while I did way too much training. Too much work. Had too little to eat. Didn’t get enough sleep. Got by on energy drinks. 

In the end I suffered a total breakdown due to stress.
I gained weight, was totally disconnected from my body and none of the typical advice for dealing with stress worked.  

But this was also what made me curious.
Why did my body crash, when I was doing all the right things (i.e. a lot of exercise and very healthy eating)?
In my search for the answer, through different educations and meeting so many clients… I realized what’s wrong with all the traditional get-into-shape strategies.

They’re all centered around ‘eat less and exercise more’ - that you need to be energy deficient to become healthy/skinny/beautiful etc.

But this has serious consequences for the health of women! When you are chronically energy deficient, your brain will automatically turn down vital functions like ovulation, your immune system, detoxification, brain capacity, skin quality and muscle mass.
It’s insane!


Your muscle mass  will naturally decrease as you get older… unless you make an effort to sustain it! 

And building or just sustaining your muscle mass can, without exaggerating, be a matter of life and death. 

When I lost my mother to cancer several years ago, I saw her almost physically shrinking to nothing.
She’d never done any strength training and she was powerless against it... and I will always wonder if strength training could have given her a stronger starting point. 




I made a promise to myself: I will never stop working on building or sustaining my own muscle mass. And never stop trying to teach other women to do the same.

Because muscles are not just key to shaping your body. They’re also responsible for balancing your hormones, keeping down inflammation, preventing osteoporosis and ensuring longevity.

My exercise programs are constructed as micro training for your muscles, but also for your brain. Because your nervous system needs exercise to  activate your muscles as efficiently and as fast as possible. These programs are short and time efficient, so you’ll have enough energy to do all the other things in life you dream of. 


But… if you were to tell the 13-14-15 year-old version of me that one day I would do physical training as my job, she would roll her eyes at you!

I still have no desire to become a super athlete, but I do want to be able to keep up. With my children, with life, the bus, my dog! I want to stay young in the sense that I’m able to move my body and do the things I like to do - also as I get older. And I want to be here as long as possible for my two boys.

And so it happened that I became one of those people who “loves to work out”. Mostly because I love the results. Energy, freedom, strength.

But training is not my whole life. And I don’t work out all the time, maybe just one or two hours a week. When my life’s really hectic, it might only be 30 minutes! I just want to keep it short and efficient, so I can get on to all the other things I love to do. 

Of course this demands a lot of the programming and progression of the exercises. But that’s complex and nerdy and you don’t need to bother with that (unless you really want to). I’ve done all the work for you and you can just plug’n’play my busy-life-friendly, only-5-to-10-minutes-a-day workout programs without thinking any more about it. 

It’s sort of like a daily routine, like brushing your teeth or applying anti-age lotion. You don’t need to debate doing it or not today, tomorrow or next week. You just do it.


Love from Anna