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Your ticket to…
Top Speed. More Power. Less Effort.







Wing woman logo hvid

Your ticket to…
Top Speed. More Power. Less Effort.

1 PROGRAM. 3 DESTINATIONs. 19 FLIGHTS. 57 workouts.


The ability to handle high speed decreases with age. Not so much because of the actual aging, but more and more years pass where you don’t upgrade your “navigation software” - your sensory system.

It feels ‘unsafe’ to move fast - or move at all - because your brain can’t predict what will happen next. It hits the brakes and you start to move slower, move less, and avoid highways, roller coasters and running tracks.
You might lose motivation for regular exercise, and feel your metabolism getting slower.

WINGWOMAN will allow you to handle speed (again).  
Anything from slow motion to high and supersonic speed - and everything in the middle. Even a daunting ride on a roller coaster!
Although you’ll not be able to steer an actual jet after following this program - or be as fast either, since it can actually reach a top speed of almost 1,500 miles an hour!

You’ll feel light as a feather and be able to steer effortlessly through sharp turns, master sudden stops, and break through the sound barrier - like a breeze, without injuries… but with lots of power.

You’ll gain access to all of your fuel – and more energy.
You’ll see your bum lifting and rounding.
And as your abs get more tight, especially the lower part, you’ll discover a new kind of agility.

Ready for take-off?

“Let’s kick the tires and light the fires!”


Wing Woman produktbilleder(1)


In the WINGWOMAN program there are 4 categories with brand new exercises that’ll take you from a pre-flight mode to high-speed and high-flying.

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Fly high IKON - uden ramme


Dreaming of being lighter and faster?
You’ll need to master having as little contact with the ground as possible - almost like you’re running on air instead of collapsing heavily on the ground with each step.  

The exercises in this category will teach you how to master the force you need to develop to take off as well as the one you’re affected by when landing. If you want to master a takeoff, you need to be able to land again.
Every takeoff or jump is optional, but every landing will always be mandatory. In other words, if you got up in the air, you’ll need to know how to come back down to the ground again at some point!
And for each step you take, you need to know how to coordinate joints and muscles in your feet, ankles, knees and hips, so you are able to carry and slow down 2-4 times your own body weight… and become airborne again. 

These exercises will therefore make you better at taking off, landing and stabilizing yourself on only one leg at a time - which is what we do most of the time once we eventually dare to move.

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On fire IKON uden ramme


As you get stronger, each step will feel lighter. When the basic foundation of your training consists of high quality strength training with weights, you will more easily be able to remove some of the brakes blocking your attempts to gain more speed and lightness in your running - and prevent injuries.

You’ll get access to more power, a bigger engine so to speak, which you’ll need if you want to move faster… or stop being so out of breath for nothing!

The exercises in this category will help build fundamental strength (the ability to overcome resistance) and power (the ability to overcome resistance in the shortest possible time) in a pattern of movement transferable to walking and running.

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På vingerne IKON uden ramme


There’s a massive amount of power to gain from this overlooked muscle which is the second largest muscle group after your buttocks: the large back muscle aka ‘wing’, which has a massive potential for developing strength because it connects the upper body with the lower body and is an essential part of a strong core!


If you, like many women, feel like you lack strength in your arms, it's most often because you're not activating your ‘wings’. The exercises in this category will therefore teach you how to unfold your wings and enable you to put more effort into every step you take.

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Navigator - uden ramme


Have you lost radio contact? Or is it ‘five by five’, as they say in the air when the message to the control tower is clear. Which is exactly what you need between your brain and your body; a clear signal without any static.

You don’t want your brain to be on autopilot, unable to handle unpredictable events. You want your brain to have an updated sensory system, so it can trust input from your senses, and map your body accordingly. In other words: it’s hard to navigate without a map or an updated GPS - and it'll make you slow down.

The exercises in this category will upgrade your sensory system, so you’ll get better at navigating your training, your everyday life, around the running tracks or in a roller coaster. If your brain has an updated map of every part of your body, it'll be more comfortable with letting you move your muscles and joints freely.

It'll also let you deal with higher speeds and unpredictable events, so you gain access to more strength, freedom of movement and supersonic speed.






“An F16 has 130.000 horse powers! But what is even more mind blowing - the female body actually has a similar super power! Unfortunately we often can’t access it, but WINGWOMAN is going to change that.”



27 workouts with  kettlebells and your own body weight that'll toptune your body on the inside and outside. 

– 15 explosive workouts  with kettlebells that'll make your engine bigger and give you access to much more power and strength. 

15 flying workouts without kettlebells where you practice taking off, landing and stabilizing yourself on one leg at at time. It'll feel like you're almost flying. 


– 14 sensory exercises that'll upgrade your “navigation software” - your sensory system - and make your brain feel more secure when you move, and allow you to move your joints and muscles more freely.


WINGWOMAN will be your co-pilot on the flight to a destination where you will:

✓ Get better at handling (high) speeds - both physically and mentally. You’ll no longer feel insecure every time something moves a little (too) fast - whether it’s a roller coaster, a plane or a run.

✓ Become a lighter and also faster runner - whether it’s jogging, running after your children, having to catch the bus or something else that's not waiting for you.

✓ Gain access to much more strength - things that used to be too heavy will become easier to carry or maneuver through.

✓ Get much more freedom of movement because your brain becomes comfortable with letting you move joints and muscles as you like.

✓ Become much more agile - your motor skills and coordination will improve - so you’ll have fewer limitations and can go out into the world more fearlessly.

✓ See your curves lift, and your silhouette become more fit - you’ll simply defy gravity like a fighter pilot!

✓ Feel almost weightless and full of power at the same time. Heavy legs and swelling in your body are gone, and moving around feels like a breeze.




WINGWOMAN will be your co-pilot on the flight to a destination where you will:

✓ Get better at handling (high) speeds - both physically and mentally. You’ll no longer feel insecure every time something moves a little (too) fast - whether it’s a roller coaster, a plane or a run.

✓ Become a lighter and also faster runner - whether it’s jogging, running after your children, having to catch the bus or something else that's not waiting for you.

✓ Gain access to much more strength - things that used to be too heavy will become easier to carry or maneuver through.

✓ Get much more freedom of movement because your brain becomes comfortable with letting you move joints and muscles as you like.

✓ Become much more agile - your motor skills and coordination will improve - so you’ll have fewer limitations and can go out into the world more fearlessly.

✓ See your curves lift, and your silhouette become more fit - you’ll simply defy gravity like a fighter pilot!

✓ Feel almost weightless and full of power at the same time. Heavy legs and swelling in your body are gone, and moving around feels like a breeze.

Anna Flyvestationen7194_LowRes


- A maximum of 15 minutes per day
- A pair of training shoes (as flat at possible)
-  Your own body (in stretchy jeans, tights, pajamas - or even naked!)
- A kettlebell (but you can also use a regular dumbbell)
All exercises will be accessible on a privat (mobile friendly) websiteIf you want to workout more after the 15 minutes, I’ll guide you to more exercises. 


The WINGWOMAN program grants you access to a total of 3 destinations with different aims.


This is your basic training before you go any further - exactly like a pilot who has to go through the fundamentals before he or she can advance to specialized training. Here, your body will become top tuned inside and outside.

The journey consists of 6 basic flights and 3 advanced flights

27 workouts (about 2 months of training)



We head towards a destination with more speed, and the accelerator is set to MAX with this specialized training.
Here, you’ll use only your own body weight to become almost flying at supersonic speed on the running tracks and in life.

This part consists of 5 specialized flights

15 workouts (about 1 month of training)


The engine is gusty and warm here - you're reaching the amount of power and energy you actually have inside when you gain access to it.
You do the exercises with a kettlebell to build muscle (your engine), and you’ll experience that things that used to be too heavy no longer are hard to lift in the air.

5 specialized flights are waiting for you:

= 15 workouts (about 1 month of training)


WINGWOMAN is inspired by the brave, strong and amazing female pilots of the world. From Amelia Earhart, who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, to our first and only (!) Danish fighter pilot Line Bonde. And, of course, also by the new Top Gun movie, which this time has the X chromosomes in the cockpit, and not just as girlfriends!

We can actually learn something from the (still very few) women in the air. They're strong, they don't accept that women aren't allowed to or can't do the same as men. They can maneuver a heavy jet fighter - and the enemy doesn’t care if there are X or Y chromosomes in the pilot seat.

We can learn that we must unlearn what we’ve been told about fragile women. That women should be soft, move gently and be more careful (women were not allowed fighter pilot training in Denmark until 1992 due to fear of the many G’s damaging their pelvic floor and causing infertility!).

Unfortunately, I find that far too many women live their lives in first and second gear, with their foot on the brakes, because we just don’t have access to more power.

With WINGWOMAN I want to teach you to access all that raw strength that all women actually already have.

So you can live life in a higher gear - maybe even Mach 2 as a fighter jet. Twice as fast as the speed of sound!

Female pilots


Anna Bogdanova is educated in behavioral design, exercise physiology and exercise nutrition, as well as modern pain theory and stress coaching.

She’s an expert in stress-free strength and muscle training with maximum effect and minimum effort - and has 14 years of experience with 14,000+ women on her online training platform.

She also received the Talent 100 recognition from Berlingske Business, a Danish newspaper, in 2019 for her innovative digital training courses, and in 2022 she’s been selected by the Danish Chamber of Commerce (Dansk Erhverv) as one of the 25 Danish female entrepreneurs you should know.

Anna is a bestselling author (Skyhøj Forbrænding, Veldrejet, Smertefri and Express Opstrammer), working as a training expert for health magazine FIT Living and Deputy Director at EuropeActive (a non-profit organization), where she sets the standards for online training throughout the health and fitness sector in Europe.

With Anna Bogdanova, you're guaranteed safe and effective home training.